“They’re closing in! No! Stay back!!”

You wake up with a rush from a nightmare on Monday morning. In the dream, you were running from some kind of wide-eyed, blathering infinity, but you were trapped in its incessant whirlpool gaze… 

Shaking off the vibe, you depart for the big day you've got planned. Travel, family, the works. Everything is going to be normal. No one is going to act weird, or be weird, or anything.

Or so you thought, until a random person struck up an unnecessary, uncomfortable, inescapable conversation.

And then another. And another.

When everyone keeps invading your personal space? That’s Introvertigo.

Ludum Dare #54 entry page here!

Due to heavy traffic and mounting API costs, we've added a password to play. The password is "itch".

How to Play:

  • 🏃💨 Get out of uncomfortable conversations as fast as possible without being rude!
  • ✏️ You must use a word from the required list in each reply.
  • 😡 If your conversation partner gets too close or too angry, that's bad!
  • 👋 If your conversation partner gives up and leaves, that's good!
  • 🫡 Good luck getting through the whole day.

Team: Different Folks

  • Scott Steffes: Programming, Implementation
  • Rincs: 2D Art, UI Art
  • Ryan OHeron: Scene Writing, 3D Modeling
  • Cless Aurion: 3D Modeling, Texturing
  • Jasper Stephenson: Server, UI, Sound, Script, Prompting
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(29 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction, Strategy
Made withUnity
TagsColorful, Creepy, Experimental, Ludum Dare 54, Short
LinksLudum Dare


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Too bad it can't be played anymore -- maybe you could have people use their own API keys (not that I have one)


The password seems to not be working anymore ): . Quite sad because I really wanted to experince this myself ... GOsh imagine making the NPCs annoyed with my crappy personality ...but I guess that's just a wish..

it not letting me do the next one even after i put the password.

It's not letting me do the next one =(


Hello, is there anywhere I can contact you? I'm willing to pay for the GPT fees to keep this game going.


Art is amazing, but every time I type the first reply it wont let me do the next one.


The server is no longer running, the GPT fees were getting to high for us.

Aww alr!

Art and idea are pretty good. I wish there would be an opportunity to replay levels without starting everything from the beginning.

Due to heavy traffic and mounting API costs, we've added a password to play. The password is "itch".

i didn't see that at first but thank goodness i did haha

the art is AMAZING!!!! i really loved the game haha it was stressful as heck


it also wont let me talk after the first response

I think it requires like chat gpt i think??


It doesnt let me talk the second time you can

for some reason i get no dialogue when i star.t the blue box shows up but its empty


Ayo man I'm too polite to shoo people away bro that was hard as hell

This has made me realise how bad I am at social interactions, thank you :D


Great game, I hate it :)

This game was so much more fun than I was expecting, tbh.  Trying to mess with the AI leads to some really ridiculous stories.


not you promoting different strokes lol

bruh the colleague wouldnt leave me alone i swear


I had so much fun playing this. I loved how intuitive it is, it surprised me with with how it seemed to understand what I was saying. It also took me a while to get what I needed to do.

I made a video on my playthrough if anyone wants to see: 


really fun~!




Amazing work :D, my first time playing a game that used generative AI, left a really nice impression, great creative use of it. was really surprised to see the responses to my inputs and super amused as well!


This game is fantastic, I love everything about it! However there's a bug where the dialogue don't change when you type an answer, and you can't type anything else

(1 edit)

Great Game! I like how the interactions play out! Still trying to figure out how to get by safe from that obnoxious gym bro -.- (Are they intentionally that difficult-)



...Yeah, I'mma stop this right here. My suspension of disbelief has blue-screened.

HAHA i did what you did and it kept me safe

(1 edit) (+9)

Great psychological horror game.