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so uhhhh i sort of accidentally softlocked myself on my phone- i was changing the controls to fit mobile- and i accidentally changed enter and exit both to "press" so now whenever i press controls it just takes me out of the settings lmao,,

prolly reset the app-[idk]


very nice thank you


For me its such a disappointment when I come in the morning and there is no beautiful art to look at. The walls are blank and nothing has been completed.

I love to draw using this so much! My go-to when I want to draw digitally. Definitely putting the Deluxe ver on my Christmas list :)


Just saw one of my drawings got to the recent favorites! Thank you all :D


if you want to saw, i drawned this with mouse (my hand hurts)

damn proud of me,




i love stroking


Idk why but the report button doesn't work I always come back later to see the painting I reported to see it didn't go back to the original

(1 edit)

a vr version of this would be fire ngl oh and also whenever I go to the notification center can it not send me to another website and just show me the painting from there, just a request have a nice night/day

(2 edits)

went a little too fast/far and got out of bounds. Now none of the paintings will show up. It hasn't even been a full day since i got the game and i already broke it. :') 

(nvm just had to turn it off and on)


I love this game but there is one issue, when I go to my paintings & see edits that are rlly messed up it doesn't have a report button. For example, I made a drawing of some random silly trans guy; however, someone edited it to make him a girl (very clearly had transphobic intent). I wanted to report it but I can't find my painting in the gallery to report the edit & I can't report it in the "my paintings" section. There's also been tons of homophobic stuff recently & this would help decrease the hate. Can devs please look into this? Aside from this the game is lovely & it's so fun to see all the art that people make :] keep up the good work team!!


why so many homophobic paintings

(2 edits) (+1)

just people who are really religous and think this game is for people to make propaganda when this game is for all communities to make their art and when people make good art these idiots decide to put "no trans" or gay is bad stuff over it like a bunch of idiots who cant get off their greasy gaming chairs and go outside and maybe learn that some gays and trans are generally decent people.

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Probably a dumb edit, but I decided, let’s not leave that in there. Was originally an actual phone number. I think.




There is no way out.


why is ts game so peak


Kind of reminiscent of Tegaki E, I love it


how do i get deluxe?

(1 edit) (+2)


Excuse me? Can u read? You buy it


Super cute and paintings are amazing!


everyone in this game is so talented and i love this


I was so damn proud of this and it didn't get likes at all

oh hey im the first artist! I loved what you did also but I havent found it in the wild yet :)


Its possible that the week reseted after that..

btw I checked your account and you draw really good !

oh ty! :)


its enough to make a grown man cry.



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anyone made it to the top of the tower yet?

(1 edit) (+3)

yippee curly from mouthwashing ^_____^






It's a kitty

This game is amazing!

pumpkin!! :nerd:

There is something at the ceiling...Mabey and exit also I died in the video =[

its not the exit! Its like 2 special paintings for when you finish the parkour!

This is awesome!

does anyone know how to change the pen texture??

well depends on what you mean by pen texture but if you mean using patterns you need deluxe and you select the paint bucket then hit r or r+shift

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is so cute!!! And these are my little babies!!!!! Also whoever edited this ty is so cute and you didn't ruin it (the heart one)

if u paint this whole room its easier to see evrything

but how do u paint it

Deleted 50 days ago

I'm so happy people actually liked my edits becuz I don't rlly draw that good

This game is so much fun! I just did  a painting of Audrey II saying "Feed Me, Seymour" in the Evil Plants gallery if anyone wants to take a look!


whoever edit my picture you did a great job just wow


also can anyone tell me what this room is? Because I am in it and I don't know what to do.

try to reach the top

Deleted 123 days ago

whhere is that

Deleted post

sob i forgo to log b4 i posted noooo my kitty noooo 


cute !!

I saw this then, cried I love penguins but its rare for someone to remember they exist so whoever drew this thank you It means a lot


I LOVE PENGUINS TOO. i went to the aquarium the other day and saw a few and i got a penguin plush and penguin legos there :D


(1 edit) (+1)
i made it to the top of the invisible tower in 10 seconds!I made it to the top of the tower in 10 seconds
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