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Does anyone know what  this room is? when i jump it starts a counter that ends when i land 

there is an invisible parkour course to the top. See it by using paint grenades ( push V). ScotttS has a painting up at the top waiting for you 

(2 edits) (+1)

I am completely obsessed with this game ^__^ absolutely gorgeous and adorable idea, as a digital artist this is like my dream come true, being able to collaborate with other artists and see what they can add to my ideas!!! I do wish the deluxe edition was available on Mac though, I'm so desperate for the wider colour palette that so many other players have and I would buy it in an instant if only I could :(

what's your username in the game?

(2 edits) (+1)

My user is Crowfarer !

edit: I am amazed at your kindness, thank you so much!! I want to be able to support this game regardless of your generosity so I downloaded the files with a $10(AUD) contribution anyway, there's no way to add a note to the purchase so I thought I'd just write it here. I love this game <3

Amazing 3D game 👍

gimme my mac portor i will Mission Control your house

(seriously tho, bring dah bort)


I just stumbled uplon this: 


heh, this gave me a chuckle

so wonderful


I found a fast orange crystal. I shot it, and I died.

How do you shoot things?

Bro is just a troll.. This is an art game


you can press G to pull up a paint gun and V to throw a grenade



(1 edit)

They are not trolling but it's not a crystal, the anomaly appears on the ceiling...

I shot a blue one and got this outcome: (screenshot w/ the URL in case you all thought it was fake...)

happened to me too, I tried to run away but I don't think there's any way to escape

Mabey this might help?

Just hit Return to Entrance, turn around, hit 'e'. The triangle heck off.


Also, the parkour in this game feels so nice.


Can you add some sort of mapping feature? Like, just as a quality of life. I like to know where I've been,


You obviously have no idea what you're talking about because it's RNG when you walk around. If you're seeing repeat stuff, it's because you have a negative score..


No, like to find art again in the same session. Just to put down a marker to come back to.


Anyone know how to paint with more colors than 6 ?😵

press the paint bucket then press r or shift r also q to draw in the place you wanna fill


iam on android but thanks  :3



Then thats ur problem


I think its a deluxe feature


yeah I knew later :) 

(1 edit) (-1)

ScotttS care to explain who the person that ecsaped is :3 and how to ecsape i know you can :3


the ghost said this was the next michealangelo

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay update

Does splattering paint everywhere using G actually affect the paintings? I know it's a stupid question and it's probably no, but I need to make sure before I start tearing the place up lol

no once the area is reloaded i believe the paintings go back but the paint is only for you (note i dont know quite when thepaint dissapears so its either   that or reopening the game)

I mean, there is always the undo button partner

someone please make my lemon demon view monster album parody (which is pew donkey) good it sucks lol


i haven't found a single piece of art yet. WHERE IS ALL THE ART?!?!?!?

love this game sm but i wish there was a way to change your password because i  dont rememver mine


Message me in the Discord and I can change it.

Its not letting me move?

if you're just playing on the browser try clicking the screen that helps me


it would be cool if u could see and talk to other players

yeah its seems cool

Found a bug for the browser version on firefox, for whatever reason whenever I have the game fullscreened every so often the screen seems to split apart into four cubes, showing my desktop and this lasts for like 2 seconds before going away, it happens pretty much every 15-20 seconds. I've not had this issue with other stuff, but I do really like what you got here, definitely downloading this and plan to re-visit often (not to make art, just critique it and enjoy what everyone has made)


found a weird blue arrow thing that was floating around near the ceiling, even if I managed to phase through it it didn't do anything. It was also pretty slow. Any ideas what that was?


Do NOT shoot the blue arrow. It will attack you, and your game will end.

If you do shoot it (press G for gun and press left mouse button to shoot), I have advice on how to escape it:

1: Shoot the arrow,

2: Open menu and press "Return to Entrance",

3: Go into the Hall of Fame portal,

4: Exit the portal,

5: That's it!

oh god i shot it




it spawns like 100 blue arrows sligtly faster than you that chase you but it is pretty cool

wait that isint normal

I did it... I escaped, until i realised that the roof was only 2% of my escape...

I really like the music, the ambience is good for drawing. Wish I could make my tablet work! The mouse technique is quite difficult.



Absolutely love this concept, I enjoy the challenge of drawing with a fairly limited palette, the only thing I have negative to say about this game is how much of my art gets practically vandalized. Yes, I 100% understand that my art isn't quite "mine" and this is a collab game, but it really sucks when I put effort into something I genuinely like and it gets scribbled over by some thick brush. I also hate it when others sign their names on things they didn't made??? Again, I love this game, one of my favorites and I seriously love the concept, I just wish there was some way to articulate to people how unkind it is to do things like that- But again, people will be people.


I agree. Sometimes my art gets vandalized or somebody ruins it but when someone does make my piece look better or someone adds to it in a good way , it makes me feel happy.


Mhm. I feel like a good idea could be adding the option for the original creator of something to be able to delete/report anything negative they could find on the remix of their project

you can in their discord, they have a channel where you can report stuff, or in the game there's a report button, but you have to find it first in the gallery hope this helps :]


um... how did i do this??? 

Deleted 221 days ago


yup, still broken on my end


How do I tell it I'm finished drawing???

After 10 strokes, there is an 'Upload' button


Umm, I think you accidentally made deluxe edition free to download


A little treat for people who are paying attention :P

No it isnt

this is an awesome game, it is amazing to see what people can do within this game :)

My first time playing this game and I loved the concept. A very unique game

Stumbled upon this game yesterday. As a Unity developer I keep wandering how did you guys achieve that many simultaneous texture inside a webGL build and yet still works on mobile devices smoothly


We save the compressed PNG data for all of the paintings and when a painting gets far away we delete the Texture2D and only recreate it  when you get close to the painting again. 

Didn't know if I could make this any better but I tried my hardest



I absolutely love this game I just wish that there was a way to recover an account. I lost mine and it makes me super sad. Also for some reason my post option went away. My recently lost account is @lilyusesaphone :(

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