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This game is really fun!!


I crushed my head on the keyboard and the mix created is still always better than my guitar skills in my whole life. Fun Game!

I said in his latest game Cock Suckers

(1 edit) (+1)

Cute!!! I love this


This is so cute


will this ever be on mac?

(2 edits) (+7)

I wish we could listen to our old songs and view other people's songs on a gallery or something. Also with stats like how many times our song has been listened to. Great game!! :D

Really nice game!


I loved this game, but it gets boring because of the matchmaking system, I mean, there is a lot of people just making noise, so it would be cool for a matchmaking system where higher level players get to play with higher level people. 

Also i would love for a full note gamemode (with semitones, not just major scale) and would be very cool to be able to see your own songs and for extra tracks to add to your song to not repeat, but i guess thats just because of the number of players.

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+4)

the upright bass is buged, it doesnt sound neither playing or hearing ( on web)


This was my first instrument and i almost quit on the spot, then i saw this, games very fun just not when you get upright bass


I really liked the game idea, can you also let we download at last the 10 sec tracks that we make?

This was fun, made a song. Good job building this!

This is awesome, 100% checking it out on steam

Deleted post

This rules.

in the game mouse is change to guitar thats fun =]


whoever made this I love you

This is so much fun!


Such an amazing concept genuinely, its so fun lol. If you want to go even further though:

- A way to save your own songs you've created and revisit them, with the band and musicians names viewable, as well as other bands's songs. 

- Ability to see how well your own band song does

- Each person has an overall score which gets higher the more likes you get, or lower if people dislike a song you've made. But keep the randomised character names, part of the charm imo

Just some suggestions :D

man this game is cool i cant stop playing


i wish i didnt have to rng to get to an instrument. i really want to get the singer :(



this is v cool! shoutout to "fastidious architecture". if y'all make more music let me know

the songs just suck with homogneity in having too many noises,so something SOUNDS "right", even if the execution is great

Awsome game, gonna play more

(2 edits) (+6)

This game sniped me. Wasn't expecting to spend so much time on it making songs and voting on other people's songs lmao. Anyway if you hear the among us trap remix song by Quiet Giselle or The Orderly Servitude that's probably me

I agree with other commenters who said having a code to access a specific song would be a really cool idea!

And the upright bass isn't working, so watch out for that.

can you make this game run on android ?

(1 edit) (+5)

My beautiful band :D


Not sure if you're still developing it, but you could add a way to save bands (maybe save codes) so you can share them later.


this is such a fun and sweet idea, i love this game :)


What a lovely concept, this is truly a great idea. So much fun, would love to have some kind of record thing or share ! That was really well executed!

I feel like i will mess up the tunes :(


I wish I could download the songs I make


I love this game, gets some cool music inspiration too that's pretty rare to find. Thank you!!

(1 edit) (+5)

This is such a cool game concept, and I've had a blast playing it. Especially since I love games where you get to play music!! Big fan of the artwork too :3

Also, The Onset fucking slaps and I so wish they were a real band, or even that I could download their track to play on repeat hehe.


The Onset slaps


Semicondutor is ART

Also if anyone can make out the song the Salutes are playing I would be forever indebted


finally found it! the bass in the back there is playing a verse from John Legend's "All of Me"

(1 edit) (+4)

Damn, Arcades and The Waiter are solid. Wish I could download some of these. 


Same... I would play the hell out of some of these tracks!!

very nice-a!


this is really fun. i only wish i could pause or move back but tbh i think its doing great even without those features, the fact that so much is other player made is wild to me i love this sm


nice game, it has potential to be more fleshed out

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